How a famous school is equal to a good future.

所属课程: 大白,钢铁侠与达芬奇Robot(4星期,8课时)





    Ladies and gentlemen, good evening, today, I’m going to take about how a famous school is equal to a good future.

    Obtaining education from a famous school is when the school is not only producing known alumni, but more importantly, famous for quality roster of educators, good resources, library, and most importantly, philosophy. A good future is your accomplishment of your spirit’s desires, this means that a good future is being who you wanted to be. Being in a famous school tantamount to being successful because in famous schools, you are provided with responsive education. The importance of responsive education is that it resonates your passion for a certain field of studies. Famous schools according to the definition I set earlier, is that they are made known because of their students, graduates, the influence they have made in their communities acknowledged by by states and accrediting organizations, meaning that these schools are being famous is a product of concrete success they have achieved throughout time.

    For example the school that I preferred the most, Lakeside School. Lakeside school is a famous institution for serving not only their immediate communities, but more importantly, underprivileged people from other countries. Lakeside intend to advance your education because it is famous for being an institute who improves people’s lives. Lakeside school implements a program called Global Service Learning program that reaches people from third world and developed countries. Being a student that have always dreamt of being the next Steve Jobs, I always wanted to change, create a new system that can improve people’s way of life. In particular, the technology I intend to be able to make a system of technology and mechanism that can reduce the time wasted by people on waiting. And I believe that is the main reason lakeside is the right famous school for me given this vision is simply because it resonates my dreams as shown in philosophy, educators, pedigree of alumni, and programs. One of the widely recognized alumni from Lakeside is Bill Gates, who founded the multibillion dollar company Microsoft. However, what makes Bill Gates an extraordinary businessman and technology guy is the fact that he embodies the “service” culture of his alma mater Lakeside school.   

    This argument provides a construct that allows people to recognize that there is a concrete good future that famous schools can provide. Adhering to this construct will boost collective people’s choice toward success.


附件: How a famous school is equal to a good
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